Friday, September 22, 2006

A taste for the wierd

After a period of hibernation and fasting, my thoughts buds are again in action, confirming my doubt about their taste for the wierd.

Why is an easy, fun task called a 'Cake Walk'?
Walking on a mushy, slippery, gooey, spongy, soft, creamy, sticky, icky, sweet cake can neither be easy, nor fun and most certainly a waste of both the cake and the effort of walking; not to forget the mess that is left behind to clean!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Virtualization : God and Humans - part II

My last entry was an analogy on God and Human with Computers

I thought, I blogged and I thought I was done. But as usual I was wrong.
A friend of mine send me a comment and had me - what else, but Thinking!

This is what he said :
" Now what happens when we introduce concept of virtualization. now we have many virtual gods that confuses the hell out of humans :-) "

So what about Virtualization? How does it change things? Does it really change things?

Virtualization does not change the intrinsic capability of the machine, it has still the same type and number of CPUs, the same the same horse power, so in a way nothing changes.

What changes however is that the user has the ability to choose the the OS, and not just that, the user can choose how many OS there are at any point of time. He can choose to have guest OSes, use one OS for one particular feature and put another to a completely different use. He can play around as per his wish, needs, habit, training, upbringing, convenience, whims, fancy, belief, bias, circumstances, ease-of-use whatever we call it.

It isn't too much different when it comes to the God/Human analogy? Why do we have so many Gods, so many Saints, God Men, Angels, and the like. Just like we have strong opinions about different OSes, each of the Gods has a particular aspect that appeals to us and we worship that, oftentimes we have more than one God/Saint that we believe in. We pray/call either or many, knowing in our heart that God is one.

At times, our belief in 'Our God' is so strong that we argue till no end about which God/OS is more appropriate, totally forgetting that it is all 'virtual'

As a parting thought? What about the Atheists?
I suppose they are the no frills people who prefer to work without an OS, let alone Virtualization!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

God and Humans

Another of those really weird thoughts that occasionally hit my mind -

All religions and the like insist that God is within us all and eventually we are one with ‘Him’. The greeting ‘Namaskar’ itself means that I salute the God with you, a reiteration of the thought that God resides deep inside us.

Well, the analogy the this conjures is that of a computer.
- God is the Super User, operating in the Kernel Mode
- Man a mere user, operating in the User Mode

The mode in which God operates gives ‘Him’ the Infinite privileges to do anything, anytime
The User modes gives us only finite privileges and we need to share the resources with multitude of other similar users like us. We can be preempted, de-scheduled or logged out at any point of time. We have access to only a slice of the time-share, all the other time we are in a state of perpetual wait-event.

Just like God and Us are one and yet so different, so also the Super User/Normal User a part of the same Operating environment, using the same CPU to power themselves, composed of the same sets of machine instructions and yet so different in what they can do.

A parting thought..
Why restrict the analogy to God and Humans, couldn't the other life forms be represented by scripts, applications, cron jobs, daemons and shells in the analogy?

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

So many thoughts

So much to write about, thoughts are flitting in my head and making me dizzy. I would love to write, think, analyze and compartmentalize (not necessarily in that order) and it frustrates me to not be able to do that with the limitations of time.

Just jotting them down so that I can revisit them when I have time and if they are still have a hold on my head.

Here goes,

- Why this cyncism on my part about 'Self Help' courses and books? partly because they attempt to provide quick fixes or ideal recipes for how to live and lead your life - and that too with so scope for variations and disagreements

- Also because I am inherently sceptical about stuff that is too popular and sold very well - and that's what '7 Habits of Highly Effective People' is.
And when you think of it, there is inherently nothing in this course that you dont already know, even though I have to agree that a couple of analogies are good. This is a good case study for packaging (old wine in new bottle) and marketing

- How is emotional bank account analogy (courtesy 7 Habits of Steven Covey) different or similar to the strokes or Transactional Analysis

- Emotional account analogy and the concept of why a deposit is not really so until the other party agrees it is so

- MBTI vs 7 Habits, is there an implication that some types are more 'effective' than others? I see myself clenching my teeth and feel strongly against this kind of generalization.

.. more to come